Just wanted to notify all you loyal legions of the stoke, that the fourth annual Beach Cities Surf Film Fest is coming up on August 21st @ 7pm. I know it’s only May but it gives you wanna-be Thomas Campbells a chance to show your stoke through a lens. So get off your asses and make some movies!!!!! Preferably of people riding Davenport battlewagons and Tyler Craftsmans . Go Go Go!. Also, it is in support of one of the best and well respected surfers in the South Bay, Barry Hatchett. He is the embodyment of stoke… happy to surf in 2 foot slop or charge in 10 foot Cove rollers. If you can’t make a film, then just show up, any one who owns a Tyler or Davenport needs to attend or they’re a phoney!